NEC Storage ThinProvisioning
By using NEC Storage ThinProvisioning, a pool and a logical disk can be created with virtual capacity.
Information on a virtual capacity pool and a virtual capacity logical disk (virtual capacity, actual capacity, allocated capacity, threshold of capacity, etc.) is displayed on iSM main window of iSM client.
On configuration setting screen of iSM client, the product configures, modifies and releases a virtual capacity pool and a virtual capacity logical disk.
The following items can be modifed by the modification function.
- virtual capacity of a logical disk
- actual capacity
- threshold of actual capacity allocated to a virtual capacity pool
- threshold and quota of allocated capacity of a virtual capacity logical disk
The product monitors capacity of a virtual capacity pool and a virtual capacity logical disk. When threshold or quota is exceeded or lack of capacity is occurred, message is logged (for UNIX, in operation log and syslog, for Windows, operation log and event log)